Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Homicide Inducing Crafts with Hacks

I really like to post the things that I make, and I love adding new tutorials that haven't been done 1000x.  However, I thought I'd do a fun recap of things that I've tried that were an absolute fail and ways that I've gotten around that.  Whether they were just too complex for general understanding by the human brain or they simply didn't turn out the way they were supposed to, here are the...

Top 10 Homicide Inducing Crafts 

Monday, April 11, 2016

Instagram Photo Groupings

Originally, I'd planned on doing a tutorial for some different and easy ways to display IG photos.  I think I've had my Instagram account for about 3 years now (yes, I was a little late to the IG party) and it has really become a staple for me with regard to preserving memories in a kind-of digital photo album.  In fact, as a longtime scrapbooker, IG changed the entire way that I organized and arranged my scrapbooks.  You can read a 5-minute tutorial on creating IG scrapbook pages on my old blog by clicking here.

But this post isn't about scrapbooking.  It's about just printing out those pictures that we hoard onto our devices.  After all, what good are they doing us out there in digi-land?  I mean, other than garnering us plenty of "likes" and "comments" (which is totally valid btdub).